Eddie Izzard describes how her fear helped her become a pilot

Eddie Izzard told Donal Skehan on Saturday Kitchen that she overcame her phobia of flying by learning to be a pilot. Eddie Izzard’s journey from a nervous person to a self-assured pilot is an inspiring tale of bravery, tenacity, and personal development. Her experience serves as a powerful example of the positive effects facing and conquering fear can have on a person’s life. By talking about her experiences, Eddie encourages others to follow their dreams and celebrates her own accomplishments. Her message serves as a potent reminder that we can all reach new heights if we have the willpower, the encouragement of others, and the courage to face our anxieties.

Eddie Izzard
Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard is a versatile artist best known for her stand-up comedy, acting, and activism. She has always supported breaking down barriers and accepting difficult situations. Many people aren’t aware, though, that her unwavering spirit lives on behind the scenes and stage. Eddie’s path to becoming a pilot is evidence of her bravery and tenacity. It’s a tale of how facing her worries head-on enabled her to do something truly remarkable. This story not only demonstrates her personal development but also offers hope to anyone wishing to get over their worries and broaden their horizons.

Key Points

  1. Embrace Your Fears: Facing fears head-on can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.
  2. Resilience is Key: Persistence and determination are essential in overcoming challenges.
  3. Support Networks Matter: Having a strong support system can make a significant difference in achieving goals.
  4. Learning is Continuous: Every step in the journey offers valuable lessons that contribute to overall success.
  5. Inspire Others: Sharing personal stories of overcoming fears can motivate others to pursue their dreams.

Face many fears

Eddie Izzard’s admission that she is a licensed pilot startled Saturday Kitchen anchor Donal Skehan. The announcement of Izzard’s talent outside of acting and humor left the cook and presenter perplexed. Izzard revealed that after overcoming the intense dread of coming out as transgender several years ago, she has learned to face many fears. Flying was one of those things.

An Explanation for Becoming a Pilot

Izzard came on the program to talk about touring London with her one-woman rendition of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy Hamlet. When the 62-year-old celebrity was offered ricotta cheese to use in a recipe on the show, she recoiled.

“Even if I’m afraid of cheese, I’ll try it. “I’m here to take risks,” Izzard remarked. “Having come out as trans four years ago, I had to push back a lot of fear in my life.”

She continued by saying that some of the things she chose to attempt in order to overcome her phobia were far riskier and more spectacular than a couple of slices of cheese.

Izzard remarked, “I have a pilot’s license; I learned to fly because I was afraid of flying.” I resisted feeling afraid. You know, somewhat uneven air. The uneven air used to terrify me. However, it’s like traveling on a rough road—only it’s in the air. I eventually got the hang of it.”

After doing extensive research for the show before interviewing Izzard, Skehan was shocked to hear that despite her many endeavors in comedy, politics, and marathon running, she had also learned how to fly.

Izzard’s inventive interpretation of Hamlet, in which she plays 23 distinct parts and even stages a sword duel with herself, really pleased him.

What other events occurred on Saturday Kitchen?

Eddie Izzard

Olly Smith, a wine specialist, and chefs Sabrina Ghayour and Jack Stein joined Skehan in the kitchen. On social media, however, many expressed disappointment at regular host Matt Tebbutt’s absence.

At the conclusion of the show, viewers could choose whether Izzard would be offered food from heaven or hell. A “trio of Thai treats” was the dish from paradise, and a seafood dish with mussels, clams, and fish was the dish from hell.

About Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard, born Edward John Izzard on February 7, 1962, is a British stand-up comedian, actor, and activist. Her humorous approach manifests itself in what the audience perceives as self-referential pantomime and meandering, fanciful monologues. She’s best known for her surreal and digressive stand-up performances. Let’s delve into some details about her life and career:

  • Early Life and Education: Eddie was born in Aden (then in Aden Colony, now in Yemen) to English parents Dorothy Ella Izzard (1927–1968) and Harold John Michael Izzard (1928–2018). Dorothy was a midwife and nurse, while Harold worked as an accountant for British Petroleum at the time of Edward’s birth.
  • Comedy Career: Her stand-up comedy tours have included shows like “Live at the Ambassadors,” “Definite Article,” “Dress to Kill,” and “Force Majeure.” She’s known for her unique style that combines whimsical monologues and clever self-referential humor.
  • Acting: Eddie has appeared in numerous films, including “Ocean’s Twelve,” “Ocean’s Thirteen,” “Valkyrie,” and “Six Minutes to Midnight.” She also starred in the television series “The Riches.”
  • Activism and Charity Work: Eddie is a dedicated Labour Party activist and has run marathons for charity. In 2009, she ran 43 marathons in 51 days for Sport Relief, even though she had never run a great distance before. She also ran 27 marathons in 27 days in South Africa in honor of Nelson Mandela, raising £1.35 million.
  • Multilingual Performer: In addition to English, she regularly performs stand-up in Arabic, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
  • Europeanism and Political Views: Eddie is an active supporter of Europeanism and the European Union. She twice ran unsuccessfully for the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee.

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Journey to become a pilot

Embarking on her journey to become a pilot, Eddie enrolled in a rigorous training program. The process was far from easy. It required not only a significant amount of time and financial investment but also immense mental fortitude. The early days were particularly challenging, filled with moments of self-doubt and frustration. However, Eddie’s resilience and determination kept her focused on her goal.

Stage of TrainingChallenges FacedLessons Learned
Ground SchoolIntensive study of aerodynamics, navigation, and meteorologyImportance of theoretical knowledge
Initial Flight TrainingAdapting to the controls, managing fear of heightsHands-on experience builds confidence
Solo FlightOvercoming the anxiety of flying aloneSelf-reliance and trust in training
Cross-Country FlightsNavigating long distances, dealing with varying weather conditionsProblem-solving and adaptability
Night FlyingManaging reduced visibility and different spatial awarenessEnhanced situational awareness
Advanced ManeuversLearning complex flight techniques and emergency proceduresMastery of skills and quick decision-making
Written and Practical ExamsRigorous testing of both theoretical knowledge and practical skillsComprehensive understanding and readiness

Eddie Izzard’s Journey

Decision to Confront FearEddie chooses to face her fear of flying head-onMarks the beginning of a transformative journey
Enrollment in Flight SchoolJoins a rigorous training program to become a pilotCommits to a path of learning and growth
First Solo FlightCompletes her first solo flight successfullyBuilds self-confidence and trust in her abilities
Cross-Country CertificationAchieves certification for cross-country flights, demonstrating advanced skillsHighlights her adaptability and problem-solving skills
Night Flying QualificationObtains qualification for night flying, mastering flight in reduced visibility conditionsEnhances situational awareness and confidence in diverse flying conditions
Passing the Pilot ExamsSuccessfully passes the written and practical exams to become a licensed pilotCulminates her journey with a formal recognition of her skills and knowledge
Sharing Her StoryPublicly shares her journey to inspire othersBecomes a source of motivation and encouragement for those facing their own fears


Eddie Izzard’s journey from a fear-stricken individual to a licensed pilot is a compelling narrative of courage, resilience, and transformation. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that fear, often seen as a barrier, can be a catalyst for profound personal growth and achievement. By choosing to confront her fear of flying head-on, Eddie not only gained a new skill but also unlocked a deeper level of self-confidence and inner strength.

Beyond the realm of flight, Eddie’s story offers valuable insights. Her experience serves as a reminder of the value of tenacity, never-ending education, and the indispensable assistance of a strong network. It’s evidence for the theory that our worst anxieties frequently lead us to our biggest successes. Eddie’s story is about more than just learning to fly; it’s about the human spirit rising above hardship and the endless opportunities that present themselves to those who dare to step outside of their comfort zones.

Eddie Izzard gives more than simply a story of personal success when she shares her experiences; she also offers guidance and motivation for others to follow. Her message is powerful and unambiguous: fear is a journey rather than a destination. We can all accomplish amazing things if we have perseverance, support, and the courage to face our concerns. Eddie’s journey is a message of hope, inspiring people to face their fears, follow their passions, and reach new heights.

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